Camp Russell Opequan Creek Va
November 26th 1864
Dear Sister
I don't know why I do not receive more letters. Small mails arrive now and then, but the bulk of our mail matter must be delayed somewhere. I have received no Army + Navy Journal from Gihuders ??? since Oct 22nd.
After changing our location several times we are at last where we probably will remain for some time, say for instance, until Sherman has done enough to draw Early away, and give us a chance for a "winter's campaign, south". As for winter quarters, I doubt if we will have any this year.
On Monday our Brigade went to Middletown while the Cavalry advanced to New Market on a reconnaissance to discover whether or not the rebels had left. We returned on Tuesday.
The most important item of news I have to communicate is the acquittal of Colonel Peck from charges, by Court Martial and his restoration to command. The Court attached "no criminality" to the Colonels conduct at Pleasant Hills La, and jusifty his action there. So simply for being suspected he has been without command for seven months.
As there is nothing doing in the Valley we are looking elsewhere for news and all eyes are centered on Sherman's movements which are deemed the greatest of the war. We hardly dare hope he will be able to release our prisoners at Andersonville. As for his success, in going where he pleases we cannot doubt, unless Richmond be evacuated or its garrison so weakened as to ensure success in an assault by Grant. That the whole of Rebeldom are frightened is evident; and I hope their cause for alarm will never be diminished until the Country is again united.
You must not be too anxious for me to come home at once. I know "the Holidays are the most proper time for reunions, but Uncle Sam has a grand reunion about to take place and wants all his nephews (sons crossed out) to take hold and help. May it soon come to pass. It is not unreasonable to suppose, that 1864 will, after all see the fighting over, and leave for the Spring of '65 a campaign of peace-making.
We have managed to get ourselves built a long hut or rather we have ourselves built it; but do not expect to occupy it long.
I shall make up a list of some things I want and sent it to Geihudus (??) tomorrow, probably.
Give my best respects to an enquirers
Hoping this will find you all in an improved state of health, I remain
Yours Affectionately,