Baton Rouge La
Sept 1st 63
Dear Sister
I joined the regiment at Port Hudson a week ago saturday. When I got there I found twelve letters there for me, among them yours of the 9th 17th 23d July and 14th August. The regiment marched down on the 25th August since which time we have all been busy preparing papers, reports etc. We have massed here preparatory to going on another expedition, probably to Texas.
There are now here three "Corpe de Armer" (ed. note, possibly Corp de Afrique), the 13th 19th & 21st. We still remain in the 19th, Gen Franklin. Gen Emory will command the Division (3d) and Gen McMillan the Brigade (the 2d). Gen Payne will probably report for duty when able to use an artificial limb. He has written to that effect.
Col. Peck nominates to the Governor for promotion by seniority in the regiment, instead of allowing company officers to fill vacancies in their own companies. By his rule I being junior 2d Leuit will have to wait until at least ten vacancies occur in the regiment, and if he has outsiders appointed as Lt. Col. Green was there is no certainty of ever being promoted, which I do not hold is much to be bargained for if I have to serve under such a man. Leuit Samuel P. Dill of Co H has been made captain of Co K, but is now sick, leaving me in command of the company.
My sickness has left me weak, but I am gaining strength rapidly, and do not think the climate has or will materially injure my general health even should I be forced to remain until another summer.
This place is infinitely duller than I ever found Virginia to be. Army movements are not mentioned in N.O. papers and we are left entirely in the dark as to our future movements, unless we can travel and see what is to be seen, such as preparing transports, loading stores etc. Even this, we stationed in the army, cannot see although occurring around us, while the reporters and such can go around and find out
NOTE: To this point the letter is written in ink, from this point on the letter is written in pencil.
I have been interrupted a score of times since I sat down and now some meddler has upset my ink. I have not been in a humor to write and cant write now. I'll try to give ??????? a dose tomorrow if I can get in better humor
Charleston reported captured - no particulars- hoax probably.