Alexandria La
March 26th 1864
Dear Sister
We have been unable to send off a mail since we left Franklin, on the 15th. Since that time- in eleven days- we have marched nearly two hundred miles, but as we were blessed with excellent weather most of the way the regiment came in in good shape and as strong as when we left with the exception of two men.
My last from you was dated Feb 26th and received at Franklin just previous to our start. I am happy to hear of Susie's success at the skating match and suppose she is as smart at all things else. You must early induce her to write to me as excellent practice for her and for me a great satisfaction to have letters from my sweet little tender-hearted sister. Let her improve in her music all she can, for I know she was always fond of it.
Our march was, as I indicated to you in a former letter, it would be, dull and uninteresting it being the third time we had marched over the same ground, but as I was mounted I had a chance to see more than I did before and many objects of interest was noticed that entirely escaped my notice before. From the day of starting (15th) until the 20th the weather was the best for marching - cool, and the roads firm. We passed through Opelousas saturday and camped at Washington where we remained all day sunday (20th). Here we were overtaken by the Division of the 13th Corps that had been one day behind us all the way. On Monday morning we broke camp in the midst of heavy rain which continued all day with occasional intervals. This day and the two succeeding ones were a little tough but on the 23d, Wednesday, we found ourselves at Chaneyville. On Thursday we were getting along finely until afternoon, when just as the roads were getting in good order again, a heavy rain overtook us and forced us to go into camp at once for fear the roads would be too bad for the wagons to come up. Yesterday we had but fifteen miles to make, and as the weather was clear the roads soon became good and we came into Alexandria in good shape to find we had made a junction with part of Sherman's force from East of the Mississippi. Late last night the Division of the 13th Corps, which was behind us, came in and I understand that Genl Grooces (Grover's???) Division is also on the way up. General Bank reviewed us as we came through the town.
To judge of our future movements from present indications I should say that the fifty-odd transports now waiting here, were for the purpose of transporting us up the river toward Shreveport as soon the river is high enough to allow the twenty Gunboats, now here, to steam over the falls. Shreveport is likely to be another Port Hudson for us to tackle, and may be as hard a nut to crack. I am not so positive however that we are to pounce upon Shreveport, Were it any other General but Banks I should say positively that it was, but with him we are as liable to make a snatch at Mobile as to do anything else, now that the movement up here has disarmed the folks at Mobile and probably induced them to reinforce with the troops there, some point which they think is more likely to be attacked. Whatever is done look out for stirring times from West of the Mississippi before long. Banks dont leave New Orleans for the field to see the army lie idle.
As I have much to do you will excuse me if I do not go into trifles that took place on the march. Giving my best love to you all and hoping to hear from you soon I remain
Yours Affectionately